Wednesday, January 16, 2013

GYST Day One

Day One (Monday):  The best laid plans. . . . Day One was supposed to begin with our usual Monday run, but it was drizzling.  And 34 degrees, which is below our relatively generous but entirely sane temperature threshold of 35 degrees, so I read the paper.  I read the paper, had some coffee, and then I got to work.  Cleaned the house - not on the list.  Did the laundry - not on the list.  Watched my taped version of the Golden Globes - not on the list.  

Things were not going well, but in the spirit of Lewis and Clark, Vasco de Gama, and Ru Paul, I stepped out where no (wo)man had gone before, and I knitted.  Okay, so that's not a stretch.  And yes, I knit all the time.  BUT I have one project that I started ages ago.  It's a scarf.  And I HATE it.  It's a beautiful pattern.  It's a beautiful, soft, dove gray yarn, but it is so fucking hard that I keep wanting to rip out every stitch, and then kill somebody.  Even the doyenne of my knitting group, who can do anything, started up the pattern after I did (she also finished before I did, no comment), and she almost gave it up, too.  But I am in the last, agonizing death throes of binding off the damn thing.  So I worked on it. 

Did I finish it?  Hell, no, but I'm moving forward.  

Other items off the list:
1.  Budget reconciliation for 1/15 pay period (woo hoo, not).
2.  Email girls re Colorado trip (intriguing, I know, I'm super excited)
3.  T - fix scanner.  There are somethings I can't do, and a smart woman knows when to ask for help.
4.  Last day of double for freezing.  Made lasagne and sausage with lentils and rice for us and for my sister-in-law, who was having surgery the following day.

Not an impressive start, but Rome wasn't built in a day.

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